Here we provide a list published peer-review papers that cited flexsdm package. Some of the following research used flexsdm for the entire modeling protocols, others used a couple of flexsdm functions, and others just mentioned our package.

Thanks to the authors for citing our package.


  1. Rahimi, E., Ahmadzadeh, F., 2025. Investigating climate-driven corridor networks for Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) in Northern Parts of Iran. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 9, 1–16.


  1. Kougioumoutzis, K., Tsakiri, M., Kokkoris, I.P., Trigas, P., Iatrou, G., Lamari, F.N., Tzanoudakis, D., Koumoutsou, E., Dimopoulos, P., Strid, A., Panitsa, M., (2024). Assessing the vulnerability of medicinal and aromatic plants to climate and land-use changes in a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot. Land, 13(2), 133.

  2. Rodriguez, C.S., Rose, M.B., Velazco, S.J.E., Franklin, J., & Larios, L., (2024). High potential for Brassica tournefortii spread in North American introduced range, despite highly conserved niche. Biological Invasions, 26(1), 337-351.

  3. Chartois, M., Fried, G. & Rossi, J.-P. (2024) Climate and host plant availability are favourable to the establishment of Lycorma delicatula in Europe. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 1–13. Available from:

  4. Syphard, A. D., Velazco, S. J. E., Rose, M. B., Franklin, J., & Regan, H. M. (2024). The importance of geography in forecasting future fire patterns under climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(32), e2310076121.

  5. Rose, M. B., Velazco, S. J. E., Regan, H. M., Flint, A. L., Flint, L. E., Thorne, J. H., & Franklin, J. (2024). Uncertainty in consensus predictions of plant species’ vulnerability to climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 30(8), e13898.

  6. Aidoo, O.F., Amaro, G.C., Souza, P.G.C., Picanço, M.C., Awuah-Mensah, K.A. & Silva, R.S.d. (2024), Climate change impacts on worldwide ecological niche and invasive potential of Sternochetus mangiferae. Pest Management Science,

  7. Pires, M. B., Kougioumoutzis, K., Norder, S., Dimopoulos, P., Strid, A., & Panitsa, M. (2024). The future of plant diversity within a Mediterranean endemism centre: Modelling the synergistic effects of climate and land-use change in Peloponnese, Greece. Science of The Total Environment, 947, 174622.

  8. Noel, A., Schlaepfer, D.R., Butterfield, B.J., Swan, M.C., Norris, J., Hartwig, K., Duniway, M.C. & Bradford, J.B. (2024). Most Pinyon–Juniper Woodland Species Distributions Are Projected to Shrink Rather Than Shift Under Climate Change. Rangeland Ecology & Management,

  9. Stefanidis, A., Kougioumoutzis, K., Zografou, K., Fotiadis, G., Tzortzakaki, O., Willemse, L. & Kati, V., (2024) Mitigating the extinction risk of globally threatened and endemic mountainous Orthoptera species: Parnassiana parnassica and Oropodisma parnassica. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 1–15. Available from:

  10. Rahimi E, Jung C. (2024) A New SDM-Based Approach for Assessing Climate Change Effects on Plant–Pollinator Networks. Insects, 15(11):842.

  11. Rahimi, E., Dong, P. & Ahmadzadeh, F. (2024). Assessing climate niche similarity between persian fallow deer (Dama mesopotamica) areas in Iran. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 24(1), 93.

  12. Ramírez‐Arce, D. G., Ochoa‐Ochoa, L. M., Lira‐Noriega, A., & Martorell, C. (2024). Reptile Diversity Patterns Under Climate and Land Use Change Scenarios in a Subtropical Montane Landscape in Mexico. Journal of Biogeography,

  13. Rahimi, E., & Jung, C. (2024). Global trends in climate suitability of bees: Ups and downs in a warming world. Insects, 15(2), 127.

  14. Lazagabaster, I. A., Thomas, C. D., Spedding, J. V., Ikram, S., Solano‐Regadera, I., Snape, S., & Bro‐Jørgensen, J. (2024). Evaluating species distribution model predictions through time against paleozoological records. Ecology and evolution, 14(10), e70288.

  15. Habibi, I., Achour, H., Bounaceur, F., Benaradj, A., & Aulagnier, S. (2024). Predicting the future distribution of the Barbary ground squirrel (Atlantoxerus getulus) under climate change using niche overlap analysis and species distribution modeling. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196(11), 1-18.

  16. Nelson, D. L., Marneweck, C. J., McShea, W. J., Shamon, H., & Jachowski, D. S. (2024). Predicted future range expansion of a small carnivore: swift fox in North America. Landscape Ecology, 39(9), 164.

  17. Rahimi, E., & Jung, C. (2024). A Global Estimation of Potential Climate Change Effects on Pollinator-Dependent Crops. Agricultural Research, 1-11.

  18. Rahimi, E., Dong, P., Ahmadzadeh, F., & Jung, C. (2024). Assessing climate change threats to biodiversity and protected areas of Iran. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 70(5), 1-11.

  19. He, J., Lu, L., He, H., Zhang, Z., Hao, M., Zhang, C., Zhao, X. & von Gadow, K. (2024). Estimating the dynamics of ecosystem functions under climate change in a temperate forest region. Ecological Indicators, 166, 112353.

  20. Nieto‐Lugilde, M., Nieto‐Lugilde, D., Piatkowski, B., Duffy, A.M., Robinson, S.C., Aguero, B., Schuette, S., Wilkens, R., Yavitt, J. & Shaw, A.J.(2024). Ecological differentiation and sympatry of cryptic species in the Sphagnum magellanicum complex (Bryophyta). American Journal of Botany, e16401.

  21. Serra‐Diaz, J.M., Borderieux, J., Maitner, B., Boonman, C.C., Park, D., Guo, W.Y., Callebaut, A., Enquist, B.J., Svenning, J.C. & Merow, C. (2024). occTest: An integrated approach for quality control of species occurrence data. Global Ecology and Biogeography, e13847.

  22. Bayraktarov, E., Low-Choy, S., Singh, A.R., Beaumont, L.J., Williams, K.J., Baumgartner, J., Laffan, S.W., Vasco, D., Cosgrove, R., Wraith, J. & Antunes, J.F. (2024). EcoCommons Australia Virtual Laboratories with Cloud Computing: Meeting Diverse User Needs for Ecological Modeling and Decision-making. Environmental Modelling & Software, 106255.

  23. Lamboley, Q., & Fourcade, Y. (2024). No optimal spatial filtering distance for mitigating sampling bias in ecological niche models. Journal of Biogeography, 51, 1783–1794.

  24. Delle Monache, D., Martino, G., Chiocchio, A., Siclari, A., Bisconti, R., Maiorano, L., & Canestrelli, D. (2024). Mapping local climates in highly heterogeneous mountain regions: Interpolation of meteorological station data vs. downscaling of macroclimate grids. Ecological Informatics, 102674.

  25. Rahimi, E., & Jung, C. (2024). Identifying pollinator‐friendly sites within urban green spaces for sustainable urban agriculture. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 3(3), e12109.

  26. Vélez, D., & Vivallo, F. (2024). Key areas for conserving and sustainably using oil-collecting bees (Apidae: Centridini, Tapinotaspidini, Tetrapediini) in the Americas. Journal of Insect Conservation, 1-17.

  27. Ninsin, K.D., Souza, P.G.C., Amaro, G.C., Aidoo, O.F., Barry, E.J.D.V., da Silva, R.S., Osei-Owusu, J., Dofuor, A.K., Ablormeti, F.K., Heve, W.K. & Edusei, G., (2024). Risk of spread of the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in Ghana. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1-20.

  28. Buebos-Esteve, D. E., Redeña-Santos, J. C., & Dagamac, N. H. A. (2024). Ensemble modeling to identify high conservation value areas for endemic and elusive large-sized mammals of the Philippines. Journal for Nature Conservation, 126657.

  29. Esparza-Orozco, A., & Lira-Noriega, A. (2024). Use of secondary diversity data to improve diversity estimates at multiple geographic scales. Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-18.

  30. Gandaho, S. M., Sogbohossou, E. A., & Thompson, L. J. (2024). NIMO: A graphical user interface‐based R package for species distribution modelling. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5(3), e12385.

  31. Kougioumoutzis, K., Constantinou, I., & Panitsa, M. (2024). Rising Temperatures, Falling Leaves: Predicting the Fate of Cyprus’s Endemic Oak under Climate and Land Use Change. Plants, 13(8), 1109.

  32. Somerville, R., MacNeil, C., & Lee, F. (2024). Habitat suitability of Aotearoa New Zealand for the recently invaded gold clam (Corbicula fluminea). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1-18.

  33. Marom, N., Peretz, A. O., Lazagabaster, I. A., Meiri, M., & Meiri, S. (2024). Water voles of Lake Hula: assessing their past, present, and future. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 70(2), 34.

  34. Rahimi, E., & Jung, C. (2024). A global evaluation of urban agriculture potential for pollinator‐dependent crops in major cities. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, 9(1), e20058.

  35. Castillo, D. S. C., & Higa, M. (2024). Strengthening ecologically based rodent management in the Philippines using maximum entropy (MaxEnt) predictions. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 40, e19.

  36. Tytar, V., Kozynenko, I., & Navakatikyan, M. (2024). Modelling the distribution of the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in Sabah (Borneo) based on remotely sensed high-resolution global cloud dynamics. Theriologia Ukrainica, 27, 103-111.


  1. Velazco, S. J. E., Brooke, M. R., De Marco Jr., P., Regan, H. M., & Franklin, J. (2023). How far can I extrapolate my species distribution model? Exploring Shape, a novel method. Ecography, e06992.

  2. Sillero, N., Campos, J. C., Arenas-Castro, S., & Barbosa, A. (2023). A curated list of R packages for ecological niche modelling. Ecological Modelling, 476, 110242.

  3. Rose, M. B., Elías Velazco, S. J., Regan, H. M., & Franklin, J. (2023). Rarity, geography, and plant exposure to global change in the California Floristic Province. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32(2), 218-232.

  4. Franklin, J. (2023). Species distribution modelling supports the study of past, present and future biogeographies. Journal of Biogeography, 50(9), 1533-1545.

  5. Amaro, G., Fidelis, E. G., Da Silva, R. S., & Marchioro, C. A. (2023). Effect of study area extent on the potential distribution of Species: A case study with models for Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae). Ecological Modelling, 483, 110454.

  6. Moura, M. R., Oliveira, G. A., Paglia, A. P., Pires, M. M., & Santos, B. A. (2023). Climate change should drive mammal defaunation in tropical dry forests. Global Change Biology, 29(24), 6931-6944.

  7. Da Silva, J. P., Sousa, R., Gonçalves, D. V., Miranda, R., Reis, J., Teixeira, A., Varandas, S., Lopes-Lima, M., & Filipe, A. F. (2023). Streams in the Mediterranean Region are not for mussels: Predicting extinctions and range contractions under future climate change. Science of The Total Environment, 883, 163689.

  8. Du, Y., Jueterbock, A., Firdaus, M., Hurtado, A. Q., & Duan, D. (2023). Niche comparison and range shifts for two Kappaphycus species in the Indo-Pacific Ocean under climate change. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110900.

  9. Mathias, S., Jarvie, S., & Larcombe, M. J. (2023). Range reshuffling: Climate change, invasive species, and the case of Nothofagus forests in Aotearoa New Zealand. Diversity and Distributions, 29(11), 1402-1419.

  10. Petersen, W. J., & Savini, T. (2023). Lowland forest loss and climate-only species distribution models exaggerate a forest-dependent species’ vulnerability to climate change. Ecological Informatics, 78, 102327.

  11. Kokkoris, I. P., Kougioumoutzis, K., Charalampopoulos, I., Apostolidis, E., Apostolidis, I., Strid, A., & Dimopoulos, P. (2023). Conservation Responsibility for Priority Habitats under Future Climate Conditions: A Case Study on Juniperus drupacea Forests in Greece. Land, 12(11), 1976.

  12. Wang, X., Xu, Q., & Liu, J. (2023). Determining representative pseudo-absences for invasive plant distribution modeling based on geographic similarity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 1193602.

  13. Tytar, V., Nekrasova, O., Pupins, M., Skute, A., Kirjušina, M., Gravele, E., Mezaraupe, L., Marushchak, O., Čeirāns, A., Kozynenko, I., & Kulikova, A. A. (2023). Modeling the Distribution of the Chytrid Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis with Special Reference to Ukraine. Journal of Fungi, 9(6), 607.

  14. Moura, M. R., Paolucci, L. N., Silva, D. P., & Santos, B. A. (2023). Pervasive impacts of climate change on the woodiness and ecological generalism of dry forest plant assemblages. Journal of Ecology, 111(8), 1762-1776.

  15. Zhang, X., Huang, Q., Liu, P., Sun, C., Papa, R. D., Sanoamuang, L., Dumont, H. J., & Han, B. (2023). Geography, ecology, and history synergistically shape across-range genetic variation in a calanoid copepod endemic to the north-eastern Oriental. Evolution, 77(2), 422-436.


  1. Wen, C., Cha, J., Xu, L., Xu, H. Spatial Potential of Recreational Services in Western Hubei Region in Light of the “All-for-One Tourism” Development—A Machine Learning Approach Based on Ensemble Model. (2022) Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 10(5): 8‒31