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flexsdm 1.3.x

  • sample_pseudoabs it was implemented a sample approach based on environmental K-means #410
  • sample_pseudoabs K-means step was improved for the geo_env_km_const approach #410

flexsdm 1.3.6

flexsdm 1.3.4-5

flexsdm 1.3.4

  • it is possible to restrict the cell used to perform collinearity reduction analysis to a geographical area smaller than the full extent of environmental variables in correct_clinvar()
  • esm_ family function was improved and debugged
  • occfilt_geo has a new argument “rep” to control number o repetition to filter occurrences

flexsdm 1.3.4

  • rgeos was removed from dependencies #356
  • New vignette about how use different tools to explore model extrapolation and truncate models was added #352
  • Univariate and combinatorial extrapolation metric added to extra_eval.
  • Minor bugs were fixed to project PCA for other time periods #351
  • Best grid raster names was changed to .part in part_sblock and part_sband
  • Improvements in correct_colinvar to speed up function when using maxcell argument
  • Improvements in correct_colinvar to project PCA for other time periods

flexsdm 1.3.3

  • Improvements in correct_colinvar It is now possible to sample rasters to reduce machine memory and speed up the process
  • Improvements in sdm_predict It is possible predict model in chunks to reduce machine memory
  • p_extra, p_pdp, and p_bpdp were fixed
  • New function p_bpdp Bivariate Partial Dependent Plot
  • New function data_bpdp Calculate data to construct bivariate partial dependence plots
  • Improvements in p_dpd Calculate data to construct partial dependence plots

flexsdm 1.3.2

  • New function p_extra Graphical exploration of extrapolation or suitability pattern in the environmental and geographical space
  • New function p_pdp Partial Dependent Plot
  • New function data_pdp Calculate data to construct partial dependence plots

flexsdm 1.3.1

  • New argument “crs” added to function msdm_posteriori
  • New argument “sp_name” in sample_background and sample_pseudoabs
  • raster, flexclust, ape, and sp were removed from dependencies
  • Functions using CRS data have improved codes
  • It is possible use a numeric value to specify threshold in msdm_posteriori
  • extra_eval can use tibble or SpatRaster object in env_calib argument
  • extra_truncate has a new argument to define values used for model truncation and documentation was improved. #