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This function constructs Generalized Linear Models using the Ensembles of Small Models (ESM) approach (Breiner et al., 2015, 2018).


  thr = NULL,
  poly = 0,
  inter_order = 0



data.frame. Database with the response (0,1) and predictors values.


character. Column name with species absence-presence data (0,1).


character. Vector with the column names of quantitative predictor variables (i.e. continuous variables). This can only construct models with continuous variables and does not allow categorical variables. Usage predictors = c("aet", "cwd", "tmin").


character. Column name with training and validation partition groups.


character. Threshold used to get binary suitability values (i.e. 0,1). It is useful for threshold-dependent performance metrics. It is possible to use more than one threshold type. It is necessary to provide a vector for this argument. The following threshold criteria are available:

  • equal_sens_spec: Threshold at which the sensitivity and specificity are equal.

  • max_sens_spec: Threshold at which the sum of the sensitivity and specificity is the highest (aka threshold that maximizes the TSS).

  • max_jaccard: The threshold at which Jaccard is the highest.

  • max_sorensen: The threshold at which Sorensen is highest.

  • max_fpb: The threshold at which FPB (F-measure on presence-background data) is highest.

  • sensitivity: Threshold based on a specified sensitivity value. Usage thr = c('sensitivity', sens='0.6') or thr = c('sensitivity'). 'sens' refers to sensitivity value. If a sensitivity value is not specified, the default value is 0.9.

If the user wants to include more than one threshold type, it is necessary to concatenate threshold types, e.g., thr=c('max_sens_spec', 'max_jaccard'), or thr=c('max_sens_spec', 'sensitivity', sens='0.8'), or thr=c('max_sens_spec', 'sensitivity'). Function will use all thresholds if no threshold is specified


interger >= 2. If used with values >= 2 model will use polynomials for those continuous variables (i.e. used in predictors argument). Default is 0. Because ESM are constructed with few occurrences it is recommended no to use polynomials to avoid overfitting.


interger >= 0. The interaction order between explanatory variables. Default is 0. Because ESM are constructed with few occurrences it is recommended not to use interaction terms.


A list object with:

  • esm_model: A list with "glm" class object from stats package for each bivariate model. This object can be used for predicting ensembles of small models with sdm_predict function.

  • predictors: A tibble with variables use for modeling.

  • performance: Performance metric (see sdm_eval). Those threshold dependent metric are calculated based on the threshold specified in thr argument.


This method consists of creating bivariate models with all the pair-wise combinations of predictors and perform an ensemble based on the average of suitability weighted by Somers' D metric (D = 2 x (AUC -0.5)). ESM is recommended for modeling species with few occurrences. This function does not allow categorical variables because the use of these types of variables could be problematic when using with few occurrences. For further detail see Breiner et al. (2015, 2018).


  • Breiner, F. T., Guisan, A., Bergamini, A., & Nobis, M. P. (2015). Overcoming limitations of modelling rare species by using ensembles of small models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(10), 1210-218.

  • Breiner, F. T., Nobis, M. P., Bergamini, A., & Guisan, A. (2018). Optimizing ensembles of small models for predicting the distribution of species with few occurrences. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(4), 802-808.


if (FALSE) {

# Using k-fold partition method
abies2 <- abies %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  group_by(pr_ab) %>%
  dplyr::slice_sample(n = 10) %>%

abies2 <- part_random(
  data = abies2,
  pr_ab = "pr_ab",
  method = c(method = "rep_kfold", folds = 3, replicates = 5)

# Without threshold specification and with kfold
esm_glm_t1 <- esm_glm(
  data = abies2,
  response = "pr_ab",
  predictors = c("aet", "cwd", "tmin", "ppt_djf", "ppt_jja", "pH", "awc", "depth"),
  partition = ".part",
  thr = NULL,
  poly = 0,
  inter_order = 0

esm_glm_t1$esm_model # bivariate model