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Ensemble model fitting and validation


  ens_method = c("mean", "meanw", "meansup", "meanthr", "median"),
  thr = NULL,
  thr_model = NULL,
  metric = NULL



list. A list of models fitted with fit_ or tune_ function family. Models used for ensemble must have the same presences-absences records, partition methods, and threshold types.


character. Method used to create ensemble of different models. A vector must be provided for this argument. For meansup, meanw or pcasup method, it is necessary to provide an evaluation metric and threshold in 'metric' and 'thr_model' arguments respectively. By default all of the following ensemble methods will be performed:

  • mean: Simple average of the different models.

  • meanw: Weighted average of models based on their performance. An evaluation metric and threshold type must be provided.

  • meansup: Average of the best models (those with the evaluation metric above the average). An evaluation metric must be provided.

  • meanthr: Averaging performed only with those cells with suitability values above the selected threshold.

  • median: Median of the different models.

Usage ensemble = "meanthr". If several ensemble methods are to be implemented it is necessary to concatenate them, e.g., ensemble = c("meanw", "meanthr", "median")


character. Threshold used to get binary suitability values (i.e. 0,1). It is useful for threshold-dependent performance metrics. It is possible to use more than one threshold criterion. A vector must be provided for this argument. The following threshold criteria are available:

  • lpt: The highest threshold at which there is no omission.

  • equal_sens_spec: Threshold at which the sensitivity and specificity are equal.

  • max_sens_spec: Threshold at which the sum of the sensitivity and specificity is the highest (aka threshold that maximizes the TSS).

  • max_jaccard: The threshold at which Jaccard is the highest.

  • max_sorensen: The threshold at which Sorensen is highest.

  • max_fpb: The threshold at which FPB (F-measure on presence-background data) is highest.

  • sensitivity: Threshold based on a specified sensitivity value. Usage thr = c('sensitivity', sens='0.6') or thr = c('sensitivity'). 'sens' refers to sensitivity value. If a sensitivity values is not specified, default is 0.9.

In the case of using more than one threshold type it is necessary concatenate threshold types, e.g., thr=c('lpt', 'max_sens_spec', 'max_jaccard'), or thr=c('lpt', 'max_sens_spec', 'sensitivity', sens='0.8'), or thr=c('lpt', 'max_sens_spec', 'sensitivity'). Function will use all thresholds if no threshold is specified.


character. This threshold is needed for conduct meanw, meandsup, and meanthr ensemble methods. It is mandatory to use only one threshold, and this must be the same threshold used to fit all the models used in the "models" argument. Usage thr_model = 'equal_sens_spec'


character. Performance metric used for selecting the best combination of hyper-parameter values. One of the following metrics can be used: SORENSEN, JACCARD, FPB, TSS, KAPPA, AUC, IMAE, and BOYCE. Default TSS. Usage metric = BOYCE


A list object with:

  • models: A list of models used for performing ensemble.

  • thr_metric: Threshold and metric specified in the function.

  • predictors: A tibble of quantitative (column names with c) and qualitative (column names with f) variables used in each models.

  • performance: A tibble with performance metrics (see sdm_eval). Those metrics that are threshold-dependent are calculated based on the threshold specified in the argument.


if (FALSE) {

# Environmental variables
somevar <-
  system.file("external/somevar.tif", package = "flexsdm")
somevar <- terra::rast(somevar)

# Species occurrences
some_sp <- spp %>%
  dplyr::filter(species == "sp2") %>%
    data = .,
    x = "x",
    y = "y",
    env_layer = somevar,
    variables = names(somevar),
    filter_na = TRUE
  ) %>%
    data = .,
    pr_ab = "pr_ab",
    method = c(method = "kfold", folds = 3)

# gam
mglm <- fit_glm(
  data = some_sp,
  response = "pr_ab",
  predictors = c("CFP_1", "CFP_2", "CFP_3", "CFP_4"),
  partition = ".part",
  poly = 2
mraf <- fit_raf(
  data = some_sp,
  response = "pr_ab",
  predictors = c("CFP_1", "CFP_2", "CFP_3", "CFP_4"),
  partition = ".part",
mgbm <- fit_gbm(
  data = some_sp,
  response = "pr_ab",
  predictors = c("CFP_1", "CFP_2", "CFP_3", "CFP_4"),
  partition = ".part"

# Fit and validate ensemble model
mensemble <- fit_ensemble(
  models = list(mglm, mraf, mgbm),
  ens_method = "meansup",
  thr = NULL,
  thr_model = "max_sens_spec",
  metric = "TSS"