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Exclusion of suitability predictions in environmental conditions assumed to be extrapolative.


extra_truncate(suit, extra, threshold = 50, trunc_value = 0)



SpatRaster with suitability values


SpatRaster with extrapolation values preferable measured with extra_eval function


numeric. Vector with one or more extrapolation values used for truncate suitability Default 50%


numeric. Numeric value to be used to those cells assumed to be extrapolative


A SpatRaster object with truncated suitability values


Exclusion of suitability predictions in environmental conditions assumed to be extrapolative. In this function it is possible to use any metric measuring degree of extrapolation (e.g., MESS-Multivariate Environmental Similarity Surfaces, EO-Environmental Overlap, MOP-Mobility-Oriented Parity, EXDET-Extrapolation Detection, or AOA-Area of Applicability). However, we recommend to use Shape approach (see extra_eval, and Velazco et al., 2023).

This function truncates suitability predictions assigning a given value, generally 0 or NA. Usage trunc_value = NA. Default 0.

To those cells assumed to be extrapolative, i.e., higher than a given threshold of a given extrapolation metric.

See this vignette at flexsdm website for further details about Shape metric, model truncation, and tools to explore model extrapolation.


if (FALSE) {
# see examples in extra_eval function