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Measure extrapolation comparing environmental data used for modeling calibration and area for model projection. This function use the Shape metric proposed by Velazco et al., 2023


  metric = "mahalanobis",
  univar_comb = FALSE,
  n_cores = 1,
  aggreg_factor = 1



data.frame or tibble with environmental conditions of presence and absence (or background points or pseudo-absences) used for constructing models


character. Column name with presence and absence (or background points or pseudo-absences) data (i.e., 1 and 0)


SpatRaster, data.frame or tibble with environmental condition used for projecting a model (e.g., a larger, encompassing region, a spatially separate region, or a different time period). If data.frame or tibble is used function will return a tibble object. Otherwise, as SpatRaster object.


character. Metric used to measure degree of extrapolation. Default = mahalanobis.

  • mahalanobis: Degree of extrapolation is calculated based on Mahalanobis distance.

  • euclidean: Degree of extrapolation is calculated based on Euclidean distance.


logical. If true, the function will add a layer or column to distinguish between univariate (i.e., projection data outside the range of training conditions) and combinatorial extrapolation (i.e., projection data within the range of training conditions) using values 1 and 2, respectively. Default FALSE


numeric. Number of cores use for parallelization. Default 1


positive integer. Aggregation factor expressed as number of cells in each direction to reduce raster resolution. Use value higher than 1 would be useful when measuring extrapolation using a raster with a high number of cells. The resolution of output will be the same as raster object used in 'projection_data' argument. Default 1, i.e., by default, no changes will be made to the resolution of the environmental variables.


A SpatRaster or tibble object with extrapolation values measured by Shape metric. Also it is possible estimate univariate and combinatorial extrapolation metric (see `univar_comb` argument).


This function measure model extrapolation base on the Shape metric (Velazco et al., 2023). Shape is a model-agnostic approach that calculates the extrapolation degree for a given projection data point by its multivariate distance to the nearest training data point. Such distances are relativized by a factor that reflects the dispersion of the training data in environmental space. Distinct from other approaches (e.g., MESS-Multivariate Environmental Similarity Surfaces, EO-Environmental Overlap, MOP-Mobility-Oriented Parity, EXDET-Extrapolation Detection, or AOA-Area of Applicability), Shape incorporates an adjustable threshold to control the binary discrimination between acceptable and unacceptable extrapolation degrees (see extra_truncate).

See this vignette at flexsdm website for further details about Shape metric, model truncation, and tools to explore model extrapolation.


  • Velazco, S.J.E., Brooke, M.R., De Marco Jr., P., Regan, H.M. and Franklin, J. 2023. How far can I extrapolate my species distribution model? Exploring Shape, a novel method. Ecography: e06992.


if (FALSE) {

f <- system.file("external/somevar.tif", package = "flexsdm")
somevar <- terra::rast(f)
names(somevar) <- c("aet", "cwd", "tmx", "tmn")

spp$species %>% unique()
sp <- spp %>%
  dplyr::filter(species == "sp3", pr_ab == 1) %>%
  dplyr::select(x, y, pr_ab)

# Calibration area based on some criterion such as dispersal ability
ca <- calib_area(sp, x = "x", y = "y",
        method = c("bmcp", width = 50000),
        crs = crs(somevar))

plot(ca, add = T)

# Sampling pseudo-absences
psa <- sample_pseudoabs(
  data = sp,
  x = "x",
  y = "y",
  n = nrow(sp) * 2,
  method = "random",
  rlayer = somevar,
  calibarea = ca

# Merge presences and absences databases to get a complete calibration data
sp_pa <- dplyr::bind_rows(sp, psa)

# Get environmental condition of calibration area
sp_pa_2 <- sdm_extract(data = sp_pa,
                       x = "x",
                       y = "y",
                       env_layer = somevar)

# Measure degree of extrapolation based on Mahalanobis and
# for a projection area based on a SpatRaster object
extr <-
    training_data = sp_pa_2,
    projection_data = somevar,
    pr_ab = "pr_ab",
    n_cores = 1,
    aggreg_factor = 1,
    metric = "mahalanobis"
plot(extr, main = "Extrapolation pattern")

# Let's fit, predict and truncate a model with extra_truncate
sp_pa_2 <- part_random(
  data = sp_pa_2,
  pr_ab = "pr_ab",
  method = c(method = "kfold", folds = 5)

a_model <- fit_glm(
  data = sp_pa_2,
  response = "pr_ab",
  predictors = c("aet", "cwd", "tmx", "tmn"),
  partition = ".part",
  thr = c("max_sorensen")

predsuit <- sdm_predict(models = a_model,
                        pred = somevar,
                        thr = "max_sorensen")
predsuit # list with a raster with two layer

# Truncate a model based on a given value of extrapolation
# using 'extra_truncate' function
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(extr, main = "Extrapolation")
plot(predsuit[[1]][[1]], main = "Suitability")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

predsuit_2 <- extra_truncate(
  suit = predsuit[[1]],
  extra = extr,
  threshold = c(50, 100, 200)
predsuit_2 # a list of continuous and binary models with
# different truncated at different extrapolation thresholds


####        Measure degree of extrapolation for         ####
####        projection area based on data.frame         ####

extr_df <-
    training_data = sp_pa_2,
    projection_data =, xy=TRUE),
    pr_ab = "pr_ab",
    n_cores = 1,
    aggreg_factor = 1,
    metric = "mahalanobis"
# see 'p_extra()' to explore extrapolation or suitability pattern in the
# environmental and/or geographical space

####             Explore Shape metric with              ####
####     univariate and combinatorial extrapolation     ####
extr <-
    training_data = sp_pa_2,
    projection_data = somevar,
    pr_ab = "pr_ab",
    n_cores = 1,
    aggreg_factor = 1,
    metric = "mahalanobis",
    univar_comb = TRUE

plot(extr) # In the second layer, values equal to 1 and 2
# depict univariate and combinatorial extrapolation, respectively